
Basic concepts (7 min)

1D/2D plotting (8 min)

Side material: Plotly (2 min)

If your goal is 1D or 2D plotting, then ParaView is really an overkill. You can create beautiful 1D/2D (and very simple 3D) graphics with Matplotlib (plotting into a static image file) or Plotly (plotting into HTML, to be viewed interactively in a browser).

We already covered Matplotlib in our Python course in this school. Plotly is an open-source, commercially-supported package from a Montreal-based company with the same name. Plotly engine has a Python API and stores plots inside interactive HTML5 files that can be also be displayed in a Jupyter notebook.

You can find our Plotly notes with script examples here. Since our goal is learning 3D scientific visualization with ParaView, we include these notes as a side page for later reading for anyone interested in simpler plotting. If your goal is learning 3D visualization with ParaView, please don’t spend time on Plotly now.

Multi-dimensional sci-vis (11 min)