Scientific visualization morning session
Please download a ZIP file (20 MB) with the slides, sample datasets and scripts inside.
- instructor / helpers / course introduction
- slides for this course
- let’s try to start ParaView on your computer
- review the program for this morning: you have 1h43m of videos to watch!
- simple 1D/2D plotting with Matplotlib (covered in the Python course) and Plotly (notes linked from this course)
- today’s focus is 3D visualization with ParaView
- pay attention to the slides that say “Exercise” in the title – we’ll do these in the Zoom session
By mid-day you should be comfortable with:
- running ParaView and displaying Source objects
- importing datasets from files into ParaView
- applying filters to process data
If you have yor own spatially-defined dataset, try loading it into ParaView and sharing your experience (or visualizations!) in the mid-day session.